Cube Reduction

Some sample applications:
With CV-Tek® wide range of Modified Atmosphere machinery cube reduction for freight and packaging savings can be achieved. Utilizing our standard line of machinery, with product shapers when needed, cube sizes have been reduced by up to 50%.

Paper Documents
The process involves placing the product in a bag and then vacuuming the bag to the desired compression level. Digital vacuum controls allow precise vacuum levels so product wrinkling and rebound can be controlled.

Anti Oxidation
Many industrial parts and goods require oxidation protection. Traditional forms utilize grease coating and absorbents. Atmosphere or Vacuum packaging offers a low cost alternative. 

Some successful projects to date:
These products are placed within a bag in its final shipping container and then a vacuum is drawn on the product to remove the oxygen. Depending upon the nature of the product, Nitrogen may be gas flushed into the container.

Document Storage
Saving and protecting files has become easier using a special bag and pulling a vacuum, keeping them tight, secure and protecting them from hazards such as:

Hazards can destroy stored files without any protection unexpectedly. By putting them in a bag and vacuuming them not only will it protect them but it reduces the cubic volume by up to 25%. Using this process gives you double benefits, protection from environmental hazards and saves expensive storage space.